RJDBC 2.0 performance improvements

But hopefully this will be the last RJDDC posting the I make for a while :-).

Simon Urbanek has made some fixes to RJDBC which resolve the performance issues five referred to in my last post.  As you can see below, these fixes have led to a pretty dramatic performance improvements:

17-05-2011 10-29-16 AM RJDBC 2.0

Furthermore, RJDBC is substantially easier to install than Roracle, and is of course portable across different databases.

If you’re really concerned with RJDBC performance and have memory to burn you can improve performance someone by selecting all rows in a single internal fetch, like this:


This improves performance, though Roracle still has the advantage:

18-05-2011 10-56-47 AM RJDBC2

You can get the new RJDBC here.